In 2022, Amey were facing pressure from clients and competitors to develop their digital capabilities. Their top position as a public supplier was at risk from rapidly-growing competitors. Over a 12-month period, Tessiant worked with the Amey CDIO and a cross-business team to develop the digital strategy and roadmap, gain executive sign-off, and mobilise a business-wide transformation.

We started by defining a digital strategy, conducting interviews with over 30 staff and selected clients. From this we created a set of digital priorities structured around data, client services, capabilities and people. We developed a five-year digital roadmap and supporting business care for year one, then guided it through exec approval, based on self-funding model using the value realised.

Our roadmap encompassed enterprise architecture, change and communications, and a data strategy. Initiatives included sustainability services, use of digital asset management, digital ‘DNA’ training, alongside strong branding to raise awareness.

We led the mobilisation of the transformation team, shaping the governance and planning the first wave of 12 intiatives. We designed the delivery model around a ‘digital factory’ concept.


“One of our Senior Business Contributors said it’s the most collaborative project he’s worked on in Amey in his time here – which is many, many years – and that’s a real testament to the work we’ve done together. We’ve got a brilliant plan”.

Phil Brown | Chief Digital & Information Officer, Amey.

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