In honour of celebrating mothers day, we asked some of our team their ultimate top tips and insights on balancing a career with being a present mum and here is what they had to say:

1. Utilise Technology – being a working ‘single’ mum, technology can be a life changer to both finances and daily planning when balancing a career. I use an app to track my work-life balance by ensuring tasks, either home or work related, are completed. Without doing this, my brain would go into burnout. Additionally I use a finance app to track my outgoings. These apps literally let me get on with my day, focus my attention equally and allow me not to worry.

2. Identify the Challenges – spotting the challenges and creating a solution ahead of time where you can, saves a lot of stress in the long run. For example we have a shared calendar on our phones for the whole family so everyone can input their activities, appointments and commitments. Which helps with spotting clashes and logistical challenges early. I also find allocating some space to decompress from work before you see your kids helps to recharge and enable you to be more present as a parent. I tend to take a 5-10 minute walk to clear my head before picking the kids up.

 3.  Role Model a Modern Day Parent – being authentic is key, you should role model being a parent. Don’t be afraid to leave work early to do the school run. Pop out to sports day to support your children, and certainly don’t apologise for it! It is our job to challenge our ability to work flexibly and show that it can be done, without impacting our output in our careers. It’s time for the dinosaurs to move aside. The past few years have certainly moved this topic on, but there are still old school folk out there who don’t get it! Times have changed.

4. Don’t Be Hard on Yourself – my favourite word to describe being a working mum is the ‘juggle’. I love being a hands-on mum (most of the time!), but I also love having a fulfilling career. I don’t have any words of wisdom about balancing both – it’s a constant juggling act and you just have to remind yourself that you’re doing your best.

5. Find The Right Team – Finding a working solution that is flexible and means that I can still be there for my children was the answer. Finding a team to work with me, that trust me to get the job done whether it is in the normal 9-5 hours or not. It shouldn’t matter if the work gets done. My biggest challenge is childcare costs for 3 children, it’s sometimes made me wonder whether it was worth working, but I know that I am a better mum because I work.

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